Thursday, October 30, 2008

Minister Farrakhan to Address State of the Black World Conference

October 28, 2008

Minister Farrakhan to Address
State of the Black World Conference in New Orleans

New York, NY October 28, 2008 – As momentum builds towards the election of Barack Obama as the first person of African descent to be President of the United States, the mobilizing/organizing effort is in full gear for the State of the Black World Conference (SOBWC), November 19 – 23 in New Orleans at the Ernest Morial Convention Center and Astor Crown Plaza Hotel. Convened by the New York-based Institute of the Black World 21st Century, under the leadership of veteran social and political activist Dr. Ron Daniels, SOBWC will be the first great gathering of Black people from the U.S. and the Black World after the election to develop a priority policy agenda to present to the new administration.

As hundreds of participants prepare to journey to New Orleans for the potentially milestone conference, organizers are buoyed by news that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam and the visionary architect of the historic Million Man March and Day of Atonement, has agreed to attend the conference to accept the Institute of the Black World’s Legacy Award and deliver the keynote address at the final session, The Call to Faith and Struggle, on Sunday, November 23. “We are absolutely elated that Minister Farrakhan has agreed to return to New Orleans for this extraordinary gathering,” Dr. Daniels said, “His address will be a fitting climax to the SOBWC given his strong support for the process of building the Institute of the Black World over the years.”

Minister Farrakhan informed Leonard Dunston, President Emeritus of the National Association of Black Social Workers, of his decision after the recent rededication of Mosque Maryam in Chicago. Minister Farrakhan called on Leonard Dunston, who is an IBW board member, to Co-Convene a Black Family Summit as part of the Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Million Man March and launch of the Millions More Movement in 2005. He and Brother Dunston reconvened the Black Family Summit in New Orleans in January of 2006 as part of the Martin Luther King Weekend Mobilization to support the right of return of displaced residents and evacuees in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

At that time, Minister Farrakhan declared that rebuilding New Orleans would be a major priority of the Nation of Islam. “The Minister’s return to New Orleans for SOBWC is very much in keeping with his commitment to keep the national and international spotlight on the unfinished struggle of our sisters and brothers to reclaim this city as a major center of African culture and struggle,” Brother Dunston commented. “I was delighted to get the word that he will be joining us for SOBWC.”

A broad cross-section of leaders from Black America are confirmed to participate in SOBWC including: Bev Smith, syndicated Talk Show Host on the American Urban Radio Networks; Rev. Al Sharpton, President, National Action Network; Dr. Julianne Malveaux, President of Bennett College; Marc Morial, President/CEO, National Urban League; Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, President, National Rainbow/Push Coalition; Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Dean of the Congressional Black Caucus; Dr. Elsie Scott, President/CEO, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; Attorney Faya Rose Sanders, Founder of the Voting Rights Museum in Selma, Alabama; Susan Taylor, former Editorial Director, Essence Magazine; Dr. E. Faye Williams, President, National Congress of Black Women; Dr. Iva Carruthers, General Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference; Makani Themba-Nixon, Executive Director, Praxis Project; Dr. Maulana Karenga, Creator of Kwanzaa and Professor of Africana Studies and Chairman of Black Studies at California State University at Long Beach; Haki Madhubuti, author, poet and Distinguished Professor, Chicago State University; Sonia Sanchez, internationally acclaimed author and poet; Dr. Ronald Walters, Professor of Government and Politics, University of Maryland; Charles Ogletree, Harvard Law Professor; and, Danny Glover, actor and humanitarian.

▪ For further information, contact Carolyn McClair: 917.686.0854
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